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Mulligan-Brazeau House & Garage

Mulligan-Brazeau House & Garage
511 W. 13th See Map
Patrick R Barrington, Builder
Cliff / Cannon

The Mulligan-Brazeau House was built in 1911 and is a fine example of a one-and-a-half-story residence with strong stylistic influence from the Craftsman and Tudor Revival styles. The property faces north towards Cliff Park and is covered by a prominent low-pitched gable-front roof with widely unenclosed overhanging eaves, exposed rafter tails, and deep bargeboards with triangular knee-brace brackets. The gable-front roof extends over the first floor to provide a full-width covered front porch supported by thick wood porch piers and a solid porch wall. The exterior of the Craftsman-styled house is clad with 3-inch-thick and 6-inch-thick clapboard siding as well as stucco half-timbering. The home’s interior floor plan is open with amber-colored oak hardwood flooring and original double-hung and casement windows with multiple window panes. A single-car garage was built behind the house in 1920, and well-illustrates Craftsman-style features with its low-slung front-gable roof, widely unenclosed overhanging eaves with exposed rafter tails, deep bargeboards with knee-brace brackets, and horizontal bands of clapboard siding that all match designs and materials used for the house.  Patrick R. Barrington, a Spokane builder, constructed the property for William G. & Margaret Mulligan, the first owners of the Mulligan-Brazeau House, although it was never lived in by the Mulligans. William Mulligan was employed at different times in Spokane as a contractor for the Northern Pacific Railroad, a proprietor of the National Feed & Mill Company, and a president of the Citizens’ Investment Company. The house was used as a rental for several years until well-known Spokane banker, William A. Brazeau, purchased the property in 1920 and built a onestory private garage for $200 to match the Craftsman style of the Mulligan-Brazeau House. Well-preserved in excellent condition, the Mulligan-Brazeau House & Garage possesses a high degree of all five aspects of historic integrity in original location, design, workmanship, materials, and association.


Mamagement Agreement

Nomination (PDF)