Historic Districts of Spokane
Booge's Addition Historic District

Listed on the Spokane Register of Historic Places in July of 2006. This small district has been subsumed by the larger surrounding Cannon Streetcar Suburb Historic District on 4/21/2023.
The Booge’s Addition Spokane Register Historic District is located on the east and west sides of South Adams Street at the intersection of West Twelfth Avenue and South Adams on the South Hill in Spokane, Washington. The four contributing resources that make up the Booge’s Addition Spokane Register Historic District are single-family and multi-family homes built between 1896 and 1907. All four homes are excellent examples of the Craftsman style and its subtype, the American Fouresquare or Prairie style. Stylistic characteristics depicted in the homes include two-story forms with side-gable and hipped roofs, asymmetrical design, multi-paned windows, and elaborate front porches. Remarkably intact, the Booge’s Addition Spokane Register Historic District retains excellent exterior architectural integrity in original location, design, materials, workmanship, and association as single-family and multi-family homes built near the turn of the 20th century in Spokane, Washington.
Period of Significance: 1896 - 1907
Contributing Properties:
1125 S Adams Street (Charles and Susan Hussey House)
1201 S Adams Street (Charles and Estella Pattullo House)
1204 S Adams Street (Thomas Graham House)
1210 S Adams Street (Charlotte Graham House)