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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Webster Building

Webster Building
Stowell Drug & Assay
415 W. Sprague Ave See Map

Rising from a brick and concrete foundation, the two-story Webster Building is an unreinforced brick building. Built in 1893 with stores on the ground floor and a single room occupancy hotel above, and remodeled in 2018-19, the building is midblock along the south side of Sprague Avenue between Washington Street and Stevens Street. The front façade is symmetricallyarranged, divided into four equally-spaced commercial bays, two bays on each side of a centered single-door entry that provides access to the second floor. On the second floor, over each of the commercial bays are three equally-spaced window bays. Square brick piers divide the bays and define each corner. The narrow flat-arched window bays are topped with voussoired brick soldiers. Double brick string courses above the first floor transoms, at the second floor sill line, and above the brick arches provide horizontal elements to the façade. Detailing is provided by brick corbel dentils on the cornice terminating the parapet wall of the flat-roof building.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)