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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Groshoff Apartments

Groshoff Apartments
Woodcutter's Hall
1608 W. Main Avenue See Map
George Groshoff
Peaceful Valley

Pioneer contractor and master brick mason George Groshoff designed and built the Groshoff apartment building in a working class neighborhood that grew in response to the demand for the skills of immigrants during a period of rapid growth of Spokane. The building is also historically significant in its own right as the only remaining building of several large structures built in the valley to house the influx of single men who came to work in the mines, lumber camps, railroad yards and construction trades during 1900-1910, the period of explosive growth that followed the disastrous 1889 fire. The building is significant in its association with Groshoff, who made a name for himself as a highly skilled craftsman.

The Groshoff Apartments are a contributing property in the Peaceful Valley Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 19, 1984.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)