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Chamberlin House (Gilbert and Annie)

Chamberlin House (Gilbert and Annie)
Gilbert & Annie Chamberlin House
2627 W. Gardner Avenue See Map
William Ballard/Chamberlin Real Estate & Improvement Co.
West Central

The Gilbert & Annie Chamberlin House is an excellent representation of the Free Classic Queen Anne style demonstrated in the home’s pitched roof, multiple cross gables, beveled and boxed bays, corner boards and sunburst designs, a prominent facade gable, recessed balcony, and a full-width front porch. Chamberlin Real Estate & Improvement Company built the house for Annie Wickersham Chamberlin and her husband, Gilbert Lewis Chamberlin, the founder and president of the company. The house is architecturally significant for its well-preserved representation of the Free Classic Queen Anne style, and as a product of accomplished professionals W.J. Ballard and Chamberlin Real Estate & Improvement Company.

The Chamberlin House is a contributing property in Nettleton’s Addition Historic District, which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places 3/22/2006.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)