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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Brooke House (Philip & Agnes Brooke House)

Brooke House (Philip & Agnes Brooke House)
519 W. 18th Ave See Map
Westcott & Gifford, Architects

The Brooke House was built in 1921 for Agnes Brooke and her husband, Philip Slaughter Brooke, a full partner for seven decades in one of Spokane’s largest law practices—Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke and Miller. Architecturally significant, the Brooke House is eligible for listing on the Spokane Register of Historic Places under Category C as a fine example of the bungalow form embellished with vernacular French Colonial Cottage-style influence. The home was designed by Spokane architects Frederick Westcott and Howard Gifford. The property’s period of significance begins with its built date in 1921 through 1924 when it was sold.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)