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Historic Properties of Spokane

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McAllen Farmhouse

McAllen Farmhouse
10602 S. Cedar Road See Map
Unknown / George McAllen

In 1890, George & Rosa McAllen began homesteading 160 acres on Paradise Prairie, and seven years later in 1897, were awarded a USA Patent Warranty Deed for “proving” their homestead land with farming and ranching operations. In 1900, George McAllen increased his land holdings to 315 acres, and six years later in 1906, built the McAllen Farmhouse. A fine representation of the Folk Victorian style and the style’s stepped front-gable-and-wing design, the McAllen Farmhouse survives as one of the few historic homes built at the turn of the 20th century in the early 1900s on Paradise Prairie. Although the farmhouse was moved in 2005 a quarter mile south to its present site, it retains a high degree of exterior integrity in original design, materials, workmanship, and association.

Management Agreement
