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Franklin Elementary

Franklin Elementary
2627 E. 17th See Map
Loren Rand
Lincoln Heights

Franklin Elementary School is historically significant under Criterion “A” for its direct contribution to the broad pattern of educational development in Spokane. The 1909 building represents a second phase of school construction in the city and was one of the structures built as part of a quarter-million dollar effort to modernize the school system just after the turn of the 20th century. A later addition in the early 1950s shows how the district adapted to the post-WWII baby boom and the changing needs of its students, teachers and administrators. Today the original building and addition continues to serve their originally intended purpose and both retain a high level of integrity.

Franklin Elementary is also eligible under Criterion "C" as a resource that embodies the distinguishing characteristics of its type and period of construction. Stylistically the school represents a shift from the grand Romanesque Revival structures with bell towers of the 1880s, to the more restrained classical traditions of broken cornices, flat roofs and symmetry of the turn-of-the-century. The school is an outstanding example of early public school architecture in Spokane and is one of the few standing elementary school structures from a second wave of school construction in the city. The school also represents the work of noted Spokane architect, Loren L. Rand whose career spanned more than 30 years.

Originally listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Franklin Elementary was listed on the Spokane Register of Historic Places under Category A and C on June 3, 2019.

Management Agreement

Spokane Register Nomination

Nomination (PDF)