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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Indian Painted Rocks

Indian Painted Rocks
Rock Paintings
5694 W. Rutter Parkway See Map

Thought to be around 250 years old, the Indian Painted Rocks are incredibly well preserved pictographs.  The paintings are made of pulverized red rock that was mixed with fish or animal oil.  While the meaning of the Rock Paintings remains unclear, they are a physical reminder of the Spokane people's occupancy and use of the Inland Northwest long before the arrival of non-indigenous people to the area. The pictographs are located near the banks of the Little Spokane River in the Little Spokane River Natural Area, in close proximity to a large village site near the Little Spokane’s confluence with the Spokane River.

The site was inventoried on 4/17/1970.

Nomination (PDF)