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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Fox Theater

Fox Theater
Fox Theater
1001 W. Sprague Avenue See Map
Robert Reamer; Whitehouse & Price

The Fox Theater is significant for its cultural and social contribution to the Spokane community. Although movies had been shown in downtown theaters for some time, the construction of the Fox in 1930 marked the first time that a motion picture company had built its own theater in Spokane to showcase its own movies. Architecturally, the Fox is one of two significant and progressive buildings that mark the culmination of Seattle architect R.C. Reamer’s distinguished career. The modernistic style, the use of poured in place concrete, and the abstract, stylized ornamentation was up-to-date and sophisticated. For the conservative Washington public, these experiments in softer modernism were received with mixed reviews at their opening, but were also recognized for their innovation for placing Seattle and Spokane on the national map architecturally.


Management Agreement

National Register Nomination

Nomination (PDF)