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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Crescent Building

Crescent Building
The Crescent
707 W. Main Avenue See Map
Loren L. Rand

The Crescent Building sits in the heart of downtown Spokane and shares its historical traditions with such contemporaries as Old City Hall, the US Bank Building, and the Smith Funeral Home. The seven-story building was erected in 1919 to house the fast-growing Crescent Store. Owners Robert B. Paterson and Captain J.M. Comstock hired prominent Spokane architect L.L. Rand to design the building to fit the future needs of store customers. Bay windows covered the entire street level of the store, making window shopping a new and exciting experience for those visiting the Crescent. Windows also decorate every floor of the building, giving the store not only a unique quality, but also allowing a much more open and inviting look. Stylistically, the building reflects Rand’s emphasis on detail, with brackets, cartouches, and cornice elements executed in white-glazed terracotta.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)