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Historic Properties of Spokane

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Carson-Clemmer-Larrabee House

Carson-Clemmer-Larrabee House
Carson-Clemmer-Larrabee House
811 S. Lincoln Street See Map
John K. Dow
Cliff / Cannon

Constructed in 1905 on Spokane’s South Hill, the Carson-Clemmer-Larrabee House is both architecturally and historically significant. A highly unusual local example of the Carpenter Gothic style, the house was designed by prominent Spokane architect John K. Dow for Maida Carson, a widow. Subsequent owners included Dr. Harold Clemmer, the dentist and entrepreneur who brought Spokane the Clemmer Theater (now the Bing Theater), as well as the Larrabee family, whose members played major roles in the mining and coal industries in the Inland Northwest.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)