Historic Properties of Spokane
Canfield House (George and Nellie)

The George & Nellie Canfield House is a fine interpretation of the Arts & Crafts tradition executed in the Craftsman style. The house is distinguished from other homes of its style by the application of flared bargeboards and widely overhanging flared eaves that are embellished with unusual flared rafter tails that match the curve of the eaves. This design influence mimics rooflines of Japanese pagodas and was revered and adopted by Craftsman-style designers. The residence was erected for Spokane businessman and hydraulic engineer George S. Canfield and his wife Nellie, who maintained the property until George’s death in 1921. The house is further significant as an example of the community planning and development that occurred in the early development and subsequent settlement of the Sherwood Addition in the Summit Boulevard neighborhood in northwest Spokane. The house was constructed by builder, I. Roy Forsyth - who later completed a significant remodel of the Dodsons Jewelry store in the early 1930s. The work is still evident on that building today (516 W Riverside, now Johnson's Jewelers).