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Campbell-Jones House

Campbell-Jones House
Jones House
1320 N. Summit Boulevard See Map
West Central

Built in 1904, the Campbell-Jones house is an excellent example of the Free Classic Queen Anne style and meets Category C for listing on the Spokane Register under architecture. In addition, the Campbell-Jones house is remarkably intact - an excellent example of building techniques, materials, and design used in the architectural development of Spokane. The Campbell-Jones House also meets the criteria under Category B for its association with prominent Spokane businessman, benefactor and founding member of the Spokane Merchants Association, Johnston B. Campbell. While noted in the name “Campbell-Jones,” the house was also the home of Keith and Kathryn Jones, long-time residents and owners of the locally known gathering place, the “Donut Parade” on North Hamilton. The Jones’ owned the home from 1973 until 2013. The Campbell-Jones House and was artistically designed with distinctive elements of the period as well as maintains a high degree of integrity in design, materials, workmanship, original location and association as a single-family home built during the first decade of the 20th century in Spokane. Architecturally significant, the Campbell-Jones House is listed on the Spokane Register of Historic Places under Category C and Category B for its association with Johnston B. Campbell, a prominent attorney and civic booster who rose to national significance through his involvement with the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)