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Green-Hughes Printing Company Building

Green-Hughes Printing Company Building
Green-Hughes Printing Co. Building
19 W. Pacific Avenue See Map

The Green-Hughes Printing Company Building was built in 1911, and named for the most significant owners of the building Robert Green and Harley Hughes, who together owned and operated the Green-Hughes Printing Company from 1936 to 1951. From their printing presses on the building’s first floor, Green and Hughes produced thousands of issues of Labor World, the most widely-read weekly newspaper reporting business at that time for organized labor unions operating in Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana. Hughes and his publication were the forerunners to the development of the Spokane Labor Council, the current body overseeing affiliated labor unions in Spokane County and part of Eastern Washington. The Green-Hughes Printing Company Building is historically significant for its association with Harley Hughes, Labor World, and the development of one of East Central Spokane’s warehouse and industrial districts.

The Green-Hughes Printing Company Building is is a contributing property in the East Downtown Historic District which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on 8/29/2003.


Management Agreement

Nomination (PDF)