Historic Properties of Spokane
List properties by: Name | Address | Neighborhood | Historic District
- Abercrombie House
- Ackermann House
- Adams, Fred & Winona, House
- Ahrens & Ahrens Automobile Dealership
- Albert Apartments
- Albi House
- Alger-Bristol Hotel
- Alvis House
- American Firebrick Company
- American Legion Cenotaph
- Ammann Apartments
- Anderson-Webster House
- Andreasen House
- Arden Hotel
- Armour & Company Cold Storage Building
- Armstrong House
- Avenida Apartments
- Avondale Court Apartments
- Balkan Hotel
- Ballard, William & Ina, House
- Barnett House
- Battle of Four Lakes Monument
- Battle of Spokane Plains Monument
- Bauer House
- Bayley House
- Bear Frame & Axle Garage
- Bell House
- Benewah Milk Bottle
- Bennett Block
- Binkley House
- Blake House, Judges Richard & Bruce
- Blake-Ahlquist-Woolcott House
- Bleecker House
- Bodie Block
- Bonsall-Taylor House
- Boothe-McClintock Building
- Bradley House
- Breslin Apartments
- Broadview Dairy
- Broadway Pharmacy
- Brooke House (Philip & Agnes Brooke House)
- Brooks House
- Browne House (Earl)
- Browne House (Guy)
- Buchanan Building
- Buena Vista Apartments
- Bump Block
- Burr House
- California Ranch
- Cambern Dutch Shop Windmill
- Campbell House
- Campbell-Jones House
- Canfield House (George and Nellie)
- Canfield House (Judge Henry and Alice)
- Cannon House
- Carnegie Library, East Side Branch
- Carnegie Library, Heath Branch
- Carnegie Library, Main Branch
- Carnegie Library, North Monroe Branch
- Carson-Clemmer-Larrabee House
- Cascade Laundry Company
- Cedars Apartments
- Central Schoolhouse, District 49
- Central Steam Heat Plant
- Chamberlin House (Ernest and Anna)
- Chamberlin House (Gilbert and Annie)
- Chandler-Meadors-Anderson House
- Christensen House
- City Ramp Garage
- Clark House
- Clemmer Theater
- Coeur d’Alene Park
- Cohen House
- Columbia Building
- Commercial Block
- Commission Building
- Comstock House
- Comstock-Shadle House
- Cook House
- Cook-Abele House
- Cooke, Irwin and Olive, House & Garage
- Coolidge-Rising-Moyer House
- Cooper House
- Cooper-George Apartments & Garage
- Corbet-Aspray House
- Corbin House
- Cowley Park
- Cowley School
- Crescent Building
- Crommelin House
- Crowe & Company
- Culton-Moylan-Reilly Auto Company and Fisk Rubber Company Buildings
- Currie House
- Danson-Chase House
- Davenport Hotel
- Davis House, Arthur & Florence
- Dessert House
- Dill House
- Dodson Building
- Domke-Guse House
- Doran Building
- Doran House
- Dowling & Cattle Warehouse
- Drumheller Springs
- Dry Goods Realty Building
- Duquesne Apartments
- Durkin House and Garage
- Dutton House
- Dwight House
- Dwinell House & Fallout Shelter
- Dyar-Kiesling House
- Dybdall Grist Mill (collapsed)
- East Central Community Center
- Eastman-Heritage House
- Edwidge Apartments
- Ehrenberg House
- Eikenbary-Pierce House
- Eldridge Building
- Elias House
- Elks Club
- Elmendorf House
- Empire State Building
- Engelhorn Hotel
- Family Treasures Building
- Farline House
- Fernwell Building
- Fifth Avenue Flats
- Finch Mansion
- Finch Memorial Nurses Home
- Finch School
- First Congregational Church of Spokane
- First National Bank of Spokane
- Five Mile Prairie School
- Flint House
- Folsom House
- Foltz House
- Ford House
- Foresters of America Hall
- Fort George Wright Barracks
- Fotheringham House
- Fotheringham Residence
- Fox Theater
- Framingham Building
- Franklin Elementary
- Frederick House
- Frequency Changing Station
- Fuller and Company Warehouse
- Garland Theater
- Genesee Block
- Germond Block
- Gibbs House
- Globe Hotel
- Glover House
- Glover Mansion
- Goodyear Tire and Rubber Store & Warehouse
- Grace Baptist Church
- Graham House (Charlotte)
- Graham House (John and Alta)
- Graham House (Thomas)
- Great Northern Depot Tower
- Green-Hughes Printing Company Building
- Greene Street Bridge
- Groshoff Apartments
- Guse House
- Hale Block
- Ham-McEachern House
- Hamer Block
- Hanauer-Cook House
- Hansen, Otto & Catherine, House
- Hart-Collins House
- Hathaway-Suksdorf House
- Hazel-Merton Block (demolished)
- Heath House
- Hendrickson Flats (demolished)
- Hieber House
- Highland Park United Methodist Church
- Hill Brothers Building
- Hill-Hilscher House
- Hillyard Branch Library
- Hillyard High School
- Hillyard Laundry Building
- Hillyard Masonic Temple
- Hillyard Post Office
- Hillyard Water Company Building (demolished)
- Hobson Building
- Holley-Mason Building
- Holmes Block
- Holy Names Academy
- Home Telephone & Telegraph Company Building
- Horse Slaughter Camp
- Hotel Aberdeen
- Hotel Collins
- Hotel Upton
- Hoxsey Block
- Hunter-Brodrecht House
- Hussey House
- Hussey-Borgeson House
- Hutsinpiller House
- Hutton Building
- Hutton Elementary School
- Hutton House
- Hyde Building and Annex (demolished)
- Indian Painted Rocks
- Inland Auto Freight Depot
- Inland Casket Company Factory
- Inland Empire News Building
- James-Ammann House
- Jenkins Block
- Jenkins Building
- Jensen House
- Jimmy Durkin Building
- Joel E. Ferris, II House
- Jones House
- Kehoe Block
- Kellner's Flats
- Kemp & Hebert Building
- Kemp, Charles J. and Maud, House
- Kempis Apartments
- Kiesow-Gentsch House
- Kirk Thompson House
- Klein House
- Knickerbocker Apartments
- Knight House
- Knight's Diner
- Knights of Pythias Hall
- Koerner House
- Kroll House
- Lane House
- Lang Building
- Larsen-Lindholm House
- Latah School
- Legion Building
- Leland Hotel
- Levesque-Majer House
- Levy Block
- Lewis & Clark High School
- Libby Junior High School
- Liberty Park Methodist Episcopal Church
- Lindsley-Larsen Estate
- Littlebrook Farm
- Lloyd, Hubert & Bertha, House
- Lloyd-Bertles House & Garden
- Loewenberg-Roberts House
- Long House
- Lorraine Hotel
- Love House
- Lowell School
- Lyons House
- Mack-Hayfield-Kane House, Garage & Garden
- MacLeod House
- Malmgren House
- Manito Methodist Episcopal Church
- Manito Park and Boulevard
- Marlboro Apartments
- Marr House
- Marshall Bridge
- Mary Frances Apartments
- Masonic Temple
- Matthews, Edwin & Dorothy, House
- McAllen Farmhouse
- McClintock-Trunkey Annex Building
- McCornack House
- McCroskey House
- McKinley School
- Mearow Block
- Meenach-McClure House
- Mele House
- Merrill-Edmunds House (demolished)
- Metropole Apartments
- Miley House
- Miller Building
- Minthorn-Russel Block
- Moen House
- Mohawk Building (demolished)
- Moldenhauer House
- Monroe House - 6th Avenue
- Monroe House - Walnut
- Monroe Street Bridge
- Montgomery Ward Building
- Montvale Block
- Montvale Farm
- Moore-Turner Garden
- Morehouse-Williams House
- Morgan Block
- Morgan House
- Motie House
- Mount Saint Michael
- Mount Spokane Vista House
- Moye House
- Mueller House
- Mulligan-Brazeau House & Garage
- Muzzy-Shine House
- Myrtle Apartments
- Natatorium Carousel
- National Hotel
- Nebraska Block
- New Madison Hotel
- North Western Cold Storage Warehouse
- Northwest Transport Truck Company
- Nuzum House
- Odd Fellows IOOF Lodge
- Odell House
- Opportunity Township Hall
- Pacific States Electric Building
- Page-Ufford House
- Paine House
- Palmer-Abbeal-Sprague Farmhouse & Barn
- Parent House
- Parkade Parking Garage
- Patsy Clark Mansion
- Pattullo House
- Paul, Daniel Building
- Paulsen Building
- Pettet House
- Peyton Building and Annex
- Phelps House
- Phillips-Mitchem House
- Pietsch House
- Pine Creek Dairy Creamery
- Piollet House
- Plante's Ferry
- Plummer-Wheeler House
- Porter House
- Powell House
- Quality Garage
- Ralston House
- Realty Building
- Reid House
- Renstrom-Leigh House
- Review Building
- Richardson House
- Richardson-Seehorn House
- Ridpath Hotel
- Rigg House
- Ripoli-Scarpelli Building
- Ritter House, Alex & Fanny
- Riverfalls Tower
- Robertson and Raznik Buildings
- Robinwood Apartments
- Rogers High School
- Rombeck-Dutch's Loans Building
- Rookery Building (demolished)
- Roosevelt Apartments
- Rose-Kly-Cecil Apartments
- Rosebush House
- Ross House
- Roundup Grocery Warehouse
- Royal Riblet Mansion
- Rudberg House
- Russell House
- Salvation Army Building
- San Marco Apartments
- Saranac Hotel
- Sarsfield Farmhouse
- Schade Brewery
- Sears & Roebuck Building (demolished)
- Seehorn-Lang Building
- Seligman House
- Sengfelder-Bungay House
- Shadle-Hughes House
- Shadle-Veasey House
- Sheehy-Kelleher House
- Shell Oil Building
- Sherwood Building
- Shoe Repair-Barber Shop Building
- Smith Funeral Home
- Smith House (Dorothy Darby)
- Smith House (Edwin)
- Snappy Beer Parlor
- Snow-Stoltz House
- Solby House
- Sonora Smart Dodd House
- Spokane & Inland Empire Railroad Car Facility
- Spokane Brewing & Malting Company Building
- Spokane City Hall
- Spokane Civic Building
- Spokane Club
- Spokane Continental Bakery Building
- Spokane County Courthouse
- Spokane Fire Station No. 3
- Spokane Fire Station No. 9
- Spokane Flour Mill
- Spokane House Site
- Spokane Parental School
- Spokane Public Bath House
- Spokane Sash & Door Company Flats
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church & Convent
- St. Joseph's Catholic School Auditorium/Gymnasium
- St. Paul Market
- Stanek-Perrenoud House
- Stimmel House
- Stone House
- Strack House
- Strahorn Pines (demolished)
- Strong House
- Studio Apartments
- Sunset Boulevard Bridge
- Symons Block
- Taber-Ott House
- Taylor House
- Tebben House
- Temple Emanu-El (demolished)
- Thomas House (Nora Ave)
- Thomas House (Summit Blvd)
- Thompson, Kirk, House
- Toevs House
- Trade Winds Motel
- Transient Hotel
- Trogdon House
- Trolan Homestead
- Trumbull-White House
- Tuell House
- Turner Hall
- Turner House (J.W.)
- Turner House (Luther and Jane)
- U.S. Post Office
- United Hillyard Bank Building
- United States Rubber Building
- Vinther and Nelson Hardware Building
- Waikiki Farm Manager's House
- Waldean Apartments
- Wallace-Lyberger Building (demolished)
- Wallmark House
- Warner House
- Washington Auto Carriage
- Washington Broom Factory (Gustav Meese Building)
- Washington Cracker Co.
- Washington Furniture Building
- Washington Machinery & Supply Company
- Washington Post Building
- Washington Street Bridge (demolished)
- Weaver House
- Webster Building
- Wells Chevrolet Service Building
- Wells Chevrolet Showroom
- Wetzel Warehouse
- Wharton Building
- Whitten Block
- Wilbur-Hahn House
- Willard Hotel
- Willerton Block
- Willerton's Diamond Photo Play Theater
- Williams House
- Wilson Elementary School
- Winter, Charles W. House
- Witherspoon House
- Woman's Club of Spokane
- Wood House
- Woodward Building
- Wright, Fred and Winifred, House & Garage
- Wulff-Bishop Architecture Building
- Yukon Block
- Zabel House
- Zent-Kimmel House